From IokeWiki
Revision as of 00:47, 22 April 2009 by spambot_Tumble (talk | contribs) (added link to blog and question about deleting this page)
This page contains news about Ioke. The latest news entry is the top most one.
2009-04-22: Ioke for the CLR, and other news
For recent news, including the release of Ioke for the CLR framework (aka .NET), see Ola Bini's blog at (And maybe we should get rid of this wiki page if nobody's keeping it up to date?)
2009-01-23: Ioke S released
Today the Ioke team is happy to release the first version of Ioke S. It includes numerous updates from Ioke 0 and also is the first release where several contributors have been active with the language implementation.
2008-12-23: Ioke 0 released
The day before Christmas Eve, Ioke 0 was released.