Ioke ships with several small libraries that are useful for different tasks. The main ones are IIk, ISpec and DokGen, and these will be documented a bit more in this chapter. All of them are considered a core part of Ioke since the functionality they provide is tied to the distribution.
IIk is the interactive Ioke prompt, which will run if you give no arguments to the ioke script. At the IIk prompt you can execute mostly all the same kind of code that could execute inside of an Ioke script file. The main difference is that this code will not be assigned to Ground, but instead will run in another context that is specific for the purposes of IIk.
ISpec is a minimal port of the Ruby RSpec framework for behavior-driven development. It supports the bare minimum to allow testing of Ioke itself. The current Ioke test suite is completely written in ISpec, and it seems to be a capable environment.
DokGen is the tool that is used to generate the reference documentation for Ioke, and it generates output similar to RDoc. Its goal is to be a general purpose tool for any Ioke application.