Ioke is a general purpose language. It is a strongly typed, extremely dynamic, prototype object oriented language. It is homoiconic and its closest ancestors are Io, Smalltalk, Ruby and Lisp - but it's quite a distance from all of them. It looks a lot like Io, to a limit.
Ioke is a folding language. This means it folds in on itself. You can create new abstractions covering any of the existing abstractions in the language. You can abstract over these, over and over again, until you have a language that lets you express what you want to express in a succinct and readable way. Ioke allows you to fold your code.
Ioke is targeted at the Java Virtual Machine and is tightly integrated with the platform. Why the JVM? It's available everywhere, it gives several important features such as world class garbage collectors, capable thread schedulers and an amazing JIT compiler. All of these are things that serve Ioke well, without requiring direct development resources from the Ioke team. Access to the Java platform also means access to all existing libraries and functionality, with all that entails. The JVM is just a very pragmatic choice.
You're probably reading this guide at That is the official home of the project, although some of the project functionality is hosted at Kenai, where such things as mailing lists and a bug tracker is available. The canonical source repository for Ioke is on GitHub.
The current version of Ioke is called Ioke E. The naming of Ioke will change regularly with major revisions. There are two different versions in play here. Ioke E is the name and version of the language and core libraries. The initial implementation for Ioke E is called ikj 0.3.0, and the version numbers are not interdependent. The next major version of Ioke will be called Ioke P, and you can find information about it in the chapter on future plans.
This programming guide -- together with the reference for your current version -- should be the complete document needed to understand Ioke E, how to program in it, how to understand the names and concepts used, and also give an initial inkling on what I think is good taste.
Note that I will use many names that aren't necessarily the same as the ones traditional programming languages use. These names will be made clear sooner or later in this document, but it might help some to jump forward to Objects, skim that bit, and then start over once words like Origin, cell and mimic make sense.
The evolution of programming languages is a steady progression of finding new ways to express abstractions naturally - in a way that doesn't stray too far away from the smaller details. A programming language has to make it possible to abstract away common things, while making it easy to customize these abstractions in very detailed ways. A programming language should be able to do this well without sacrificing readability and understandability. This tension lies at the core of programming.
How do you create a language that makes it easy to express powerful concepts in a succinct way, while still making it easy to maintain and work with after the fact, without turning it into a new compression mode? How do you make it easy for a programmer to express high level abstractions that are abstractions of abstractions of abstractions?
There are many open problems in programming language design. Concurrency is one of them, performance another. These are two areas Ioke does not address. Instead, Ioke is a remodeling of the core concepts and ideas embodied in other programming languages.
Are Lisp and Smalltalk still the most powerful languages around, or are there ways of providing more expressiveness without sacrificing understandability? Is there a way to combine all the lessons learned from languages like Ruby and Python, and patch them back into a Lisp and Smalltalk core? Is it possible to do this while taking some of the benefits of Io? Can a language be both small, regular, homoiconic, reflective and easy to understand? I hope that Ioke is just that.
Simplicity doesn't mean lack of power. Small, simple, orthogonal functionality can be more powerful than larger, complicated abstractions that don't fit together.
Io explicitly states that the goal of the language is to refocus attention on expressiveness, and with Ioke I want to take that philosophy one step further.
It's important to realize that an experiment like this doesn't necessarily have to mean the language can't be used for real projects. By wedding Ioke to the Java Virtual Machine, I make it easy to get access to good libraries and existing implementations on most platforms. In that way, Ioke can be used to create real systems, even though the ecosystem will initially be very small. And I think that this is necessary. How can you know if a language really is worthwhile or not, if you can't use it as a general purpose programming language? The Java platform makes this possible.
Getting started
Ioke is very easy to get started with. The first step is to download a package. Which one you choose depends on what platform you're on, and whether you want to build Ioke yourself, or just start using it. This guide will only cover using a prebuilt version. Go to the download page, and grab one of the distributions. At the time of writing the full version of Ioke is Ioke E ikj 0.3.0. Choose the latest download in the 0.3-series for this document to apply.
Once you have downloaded the distribution, you need to unpack it somewhere, and finally add the bin directory to your PATH environment variable. There is also a jar download that can be run directly. If you choose this option you don't get the benefits of having a home for Ioke, which in some cases might be inconvenient. Ioke can be run directly from the jar file, though.
Building Ioke
If you'd like to build Ioke from source, make sure you have a recent version of the Java Development Kit installed (1.5.0 or higher, preferrably 1.6.0) and Apache Ant. You must have the ant script reachable from your PATH variable. Then, simply check out the source code from the main repository, and build it using ant. That should run all the compilation steps and tests, and allow the bin/ioke script to run. Just proceed as if you had unpacked the distribution, adding the bin directory to the PATH.
Running scripts
To run an Ioke script, you can generally just use the ioke command:
$ ioke helloWorld.ik Hello world
You can also execute snippets of code on the command line using the -e argument to the ioke command. You can have several of these in the same line too:
$ ioke -e'"Hello world" println' -e'"Goodbye world" println' Hello world Goodbye world
When using -e, be careful about what quoting style you use, since the shell sometimes can munge up your commands if you don't surround them correctly.
The ioke command has several helpful command line options, which can change what happens during execution. These are:
- -Cdirectory
- Switch to directory before executing any files and command line scripts. This will make the directory the initial current working directory for Ioke during the execution of the JVM.
- -d
- Enable debug output.
- -e script
- Execute script, as describe above. May occur more than once on a command line.
- -h
- Display help information, including descriptions of these command line options.
- -Idirectory
- Add directory to the load path of Ioke. May occur more than once on a command line.
- -JjvmOptions
- Pass on options to the JVM. This can be used to change any runtime parameters that your JVM takes. May occur more than once. The options are provided directly after the -J, so if you want to change the maximum amount of memory used, you can do that writing -J-Xmx128M.
- --copyright
- Print copyright information and exit.
- --version
- Print version information and exit
- --server
- Run the JVM in server Hotspot mode
- --client
- Run the JVM in client Hotspot mode (the default)
- --
- Mark the end of options to the ioke script, anything after this are options to be sent to the code running.
If you provide the name of a script file on the command line, it should come after all the arguments to the ioke script. Everything after the script will be added as data to the System programArguments
cell. You can use both one-line scripts with -e and specify a script file. If so, the script file will be run after the one-line scripts.
Interactive mode
If no code to execute has been specified to the ioke script, IIk - Interactive Ioke - will start. This is a REPL that allows the execution of arbitrary code in a shell that immediately displays the result. The main difference between running Ioke from a file and interactively is that the interactive prompt will show a notice of the result of the last operation after each execution. IIk will also invoke a debugger when a condition is encountered. This debugger gives you the possibility to inspect what happened more closely. The final difference with IIk is that it does not execute code directly in Ground - which the top level inside an Ioke script will do. This difference is crucial, when considering namespacing issues.
IIk will try to use Readline through JLine if your platform supports it.
IIk will be more closely described later, but just to give you a glimpse, this is how a small session could look like:
iik> "hello world" println hello world +> nil iik> 10 * 20 +> 200 iik> 3/2 +> 3/2 iik> 3/2 + 3/2 +> 3 iik> 3/2 * 3 +> 9/2 iik> foo = "hello" +> "hello" iik> foo +> "hello" iik> exit Bye.
When you see the prompt "iik>", you know that IIk is waiting for input. The result of a computation is shown after the "+>" sigil. You can exit from IIk by calling either "exit" or "quit". There is also a restart named "quit" that can be invoked to quit IIk.